French-speaking Nutrition Days 2024

French-speaking Nutrition Days 2024

Many researchers, engineers and doctoral students from the UMR PhAN took part in the Francophone Nutrition Days, which were held from December 4 to 6, 2024 in Strasbourg.


JFN24 groupe

PC01_005 - Analysis of food preferences on 6 European university campuses using a discrete choice experiment

Patricia Parnet*1; khadija Ouguerram2; N Afentou; Lin Fu3; S Ruiz-De-Maya4; Nzefa L Dapi5; F Randelli6; A Elias; I Pokhilenko3; E Frew3
1Umr 1280, PhAN, Nantes université, Inrae, Nantes, France; 2UMR PhAN 1280, Nantes Université - UFR Sciences et Techniques, Nantes, France; 3Centre for Economics of Obesity, Institute of Applied Health Research, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, Royaume Uni; 4Department of Marketing, University of Murcia, Murcia, Espagne; 5Department of Chemistry and Biomedical Sciences, Linnaeus, Kalmar, Suède; 6Department of Economics and Management, University of Florence, Florence, Italie

Introduction and aim of the study:

Food choices are influenced by habits, experiences and socio-economic factors. Discrete choice experiments (DCEs) help identify key factors such as nutritional content and cost that shape food preferences, helping to develop targeted food interventions and inform food policies. Universities, at the forefront of health education and sustainability, however, lack comprehensive data on food preferences in their environment. This study presents a DCE protocol to compare lunchtime meal preferences among university staff and students in six European countries to inform and help improve food policies on campus.

jfn24 garance

PC20_199 - DHA enrichment of lipids in obese pregnant spleen, placenta and fetal brain by maternal chia seed supplementation
Garance Dalix1; khadija Ouguerram2; Agnès David-Sochard3; Blandine Castellano3; Norbert Winer4, 5; Clair-Yves Boquien6; Veronique Ferchaud-Roucher*3, 7; Consortium Chia
1UMR 1280 PhAN, Nantes Université-INARE, INRAE Pays de la Loire, Nantes, Nantes, France; 2UMR PhAN 1280, Nantes Université - UFR Sciences et Techniques, Nantes, France; 3UMR 1280 PhAN Nantes Université-INRAE, INRAE Pays de La loire, Nantes, France; 4Gynécologie Obstétrique, CHU Nantes, Nantes, France; 5UMR 1280 PhAN, Nantes Université-INRAE, INRAE pays de la Loire, Nantes, France; 6UMR 1280, PhAN Nantes Université-INRAE, Crnh-ouest, Imad, INRAE Pays de La loire, Nantes, France; 7CHU Nantes, Nantes, France

Introduction and aim of the study:

In France, one in three women is overweight or obese. Maternal obesity is associated with an increased risk of pregnancy pathologies, impaired fetal growth, and in the offspring, psychomotor retardation and metabolic diseases in adulthood. These alterations in the programming of fetal development could be due to defects in the supply of omega-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (omega-3 LCPUFAs) to the fetus. Indeed, the diet of obese people is often characterized by low omega-3 bioavailability leading to an imbalance in the omega-6/omega-3 FA ratio. α-linolenic acid (ALA), a precursor of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA, omega-3 LCPUFA), plays a crucial role in fetal brain development. The literature shows that ALA supplementation, from the beginning of pregnancy, reduces obstetric complications and improves birth weight. However, according to the ELFE study, more than 75% of women have ALA intakes lower than the 2g/day recommended during pregnancy (ANSES, 2017). One way to remedy this would be to supplement the diet with chia seeds because they contain 64% ALA in their lipid fraction. An adult who consumes moderate amounts of chia improves their ALA status, or even their DHA status.

jfn24 emelyne

SP08 : Symposium CRNH : Nutrition, Inflammation and Immunity

Nutritional issues of intestinal programming in the perinatal period

Emelyne Lecuyer (Nantes)



JFN24 vincent


SP09 : Experimental research forum: Imaging techniques to visualize inter-cellular or inter-organ interactions in the context of metabolic pathologies.

Brain-gut interactions through optogenetics and retrotracing

Vincent Paillé (Nantes)



jfn24 marie cecile

Breast milk: an environment - sustainable food system - health interface
Projet exploratoire SYALSA – LactOMICS:

Carrier : Marie-Cécile ALEXANDRE-GOUABAU 1  & German CANO-SANCHO 2
Evelyne VIGNEAU 3, Benjamin MAHIEU 3, Thomas MOYON 1, Chloé DOUAREC 1,3, Emmanuelle KESSE 4, Blandine DE LAUZON-GUILLAIN 4. Boris MISERY 5, Sandrine GUILLOU 5, Jean-Philippe ANTIGNAC 2, Clair-Yves BOQUIEN 1, Laure SIMON 1,6, Jean-Christophe ROZE 1,6.
1° Nantes Université, INRAE, UMR1280 PhAN, CRNH - Ouest, IMAD, F-44093 Nantes, France 2° Oniris, INRAE, UMR 1329 LABERCA, F-44307, Nantes, France3° Oniris, INRAE, Statsc, F-44322, Nantes, France Nantes Université4° Université Paris Cité and Université Sorbonne Paris Nord, Inserm, INRAE, Centre for Research in Epidemiology and StatisticS (CRESS), F-75004 Paris, France5° Oniris, INRAE, UMR 1014 SECALIM, F-44307, Nantes, France6° CHU, Nantes University Hospital, Department of Neonatology, F-44093 Nantes, France

Breast milk, whose composition is strongly influenced by the environment and the mother's lifestyle habits, including her diet, represents the first food system that an individual is confronted with from birth. The LactOMICS project has implemented an innovative "from fork to farm" approach by integrating the principles of food systems at the exposome level. A multidisciplinary partnership involving 6 units from 4 INRAE ​​departments has thus been created to pool knowledge around the exposome in its nutritional, chemical, and microbiological components, but also statistical and epidemiological analysis and the characterization of food systems and their transitions.