Annual meeting of the ANR France 2030 LETSPROSEED project

Annual meeting of the ANR France 2030 LETSPROSEED project

From 30 January to 31 January 2025, Patricia Parnet, a researcher at UMR PhAN, took part in the Annual Meeting of the ANR France 2030 LETSPROSEED project, which was held at INRAE headquarters in Paris! The two days were packed with fascinating presentations from the academic partners (UMR 1280 PhAN INRAE, UMR Agroécologie, L'Institut Agro Dijon, CSGA D., INRAE BIA, UMR STLO, IPS2, UMR SPO, Université de Caen Normandie, ijpb inra versailles) and private partners (Bel, Danone Nutricia Research, SAVENCIA, Via Végétale, Terres Inovia, AGRI OBTENTIONS), punctuated by constructive exchanges between disciplines.


Réunion 2025 du projet ANR France 2030 LETSPROSEED
Réunion 2025 du projet ANR France 2030 LETSPROSEED