The mass spectrometry platform

The mass spectrometry platform

In a video, Khadija Ouguerram from UMR PhAN presents the mass spectrometry platform.

The CRNH Mass Spectrometry platform is linked to the INRAE-University of Nantes UMR PhAN (Physiopathology of nutritional adaptations) and the CORSAIRE platform of Biogenouest.

The work of the platform focuses on metabolic diseases and associated cardiovascular risks, through targeted or not targeted (in vivo and in vitro) exploration of human and animal lipoprotein components (lipids and apolipoproteins).

The platform also measures metabolic and lipoprotein flows through the use of tracers enriched with stable isotopes.

Mass spectrometry, coupled with gas chromatography, is dedicated to the study of the metabolism of certain molecules, in particular cholesterol.

In this video produced to introduce the platform, some instruments are described, including:

  • GC-MS : chromatographie gazeuse couplée à la spectrométrie de masse
  • GCC-IRMS : chromatographie gazeuse couplée à un four à combustion, couplé à la spectrométrie de masse de rapport isotopique
  • EA-IRMS : analyseur élémentaire - spectrométrie de masse des rapports isotopiques
  • UPLC-HRMS : chromatographie liquide couplée à la spectrométrie de masse haute résolution

The mass spectrometry platform offers various types of analyses in all types of biological matrices (in vivo, in vitro, animal and human):

  • Analyses non ciblées (lipidomique, métabolomique)
  • Analyses quantitatives ciblées (lipides, acides aminés, protéines, oxyde de triméthylamine (TMAO)...)
  • Analyses cinétiques  dans des protocoles impliquant l'utilisation de traceurs enrichis en isotopes stables (fluxomique protéines et métabolites)
  • Analyses structurales et élémentaires (mesure de masses exactes)