

Welcome on our web page. The Join Research Unit "Physiology of the Nutritional Adaptation" was created in 2006 to study perinatal denutrition.

Dr. Guillaume de Lartigue

02 October 2024


Webinar AMICAL

The study group AMICAL (Axe Microbiote Intestin Cerveau et comportement ALimentaire), of which UMR PhAN is a member, created in 2023 and chaired by Gaëlle Boudry (Institut NUMECAN, Rennes), will organize its next webinar on Wednesday, October 2, 2024 from 4 to 5 p.m. Dr Guillaume de Lartigue (Monell Chemical Sense Center, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA), invited by Vincent Paillé and Patricia Parnet, researchers at UMR PhAN, will present "A gut-brain Cul-de-Sac: navigating alternate routes to weight loss".
Webinar NSFA

26 September 2024


Webinar NSFA

Professor Khadija OUGUERRAM, researcher at the PhAN UMR, will present some of the results of PhAN: "Animal models and treatments" in the context of the webinar organized by the NSFA (New Francophone Society for Atherosclerosis) on the theme "Perinatal Atherosclerosis Programming" which will be held on September 26, 2024 from 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm. The schedule and link to register for the webinar are available below. Registration is free but required to receive the webinar link.
Cluster IBD-Next
The IBD-Next cluster conference will be held in Nantes on 22 November 2024. Jean-Pierre Segain, researcher at UMR PhAN, was part of the organizing committee. Emelyne Lecuyer and Gwenola Le Dréan, researchers at UMR PhAN, will present respectively "ILC3s: game changer in chronic diseases?" and "Enteroendocrine cells and metabolism". The schedule can be downloaded below.
Fête de la Science 2024

08 October 2024

Halle 06 Ouest, 42 rue la Tour d'Auvergne, Nantes

Science Festival 2024 - Ocean of knowledge

Hervé Blottière, Director of UMR 1280 PhAN, will give a public lecture on the theme "Microbiota: an Ocean of data" on Tuesday 8 October from 5.30 to 6 pm at Halle 06 Ouest, 42 rue la Tour d'Auvergne, Nantes. You are welcome!